In our site, we have posted the most comprehensive, objective and up-to-date information about leasing in Bulgaria. We have presented:
- general information about the leasing service;
- the most detailed description of the leasing process in Bulgaria;
- the ranking of the leasing companies in Bulgaria, their fields of specialization and inbound links;
- a list of the applicable legal framework with the corresponding links;
- regular updates on leasing developments and the leasing market on our leasing blog.
We have also provided a rare opportunity for online leasing application. All this information is free and is intended for those of you, who wish to explore the leasing possibilities alone, understand what you need and where to get it. We also realize that it is not necessary all of us to become leasing experts, just to get the most out of a single leasing deal. It is reasonable (just like in Court) to have a competent person at your side before, during and at the end of each leasing contract. Otherwise, the only source of information becomes your lessorOne of the parties to the... More (we say this with all due respect to all good-hearted, well-intended and objective leasing advice, which they will give you). Hence we offer our service “leasing consultation”.
We can be useful to you for:
- Audit of your leasing needs and opportunities;
- Consultation for the selection of the most appropriate leasing solution for you;
- Consultation for the selection of the most appropriate leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More for you;
- Check and analysis of your leasing offers;
- Execution of a leasing tender for the selection of the best leasing terms and conditions;
- Construction of the leasing service – the selection of the type of leasing and optimal leasing parameters to your needs;
- Consultation for providing solutions in times of difficulty during the life of the leasing contract;
- Consultation for selection of the most appropriate option at the end of the leasing contract.
We can be useful with a leasing consultation to the individual client, who is leasing his small car, the SME who wish to equip their new production facility as well as to large companies, who need funding for their large fleet of vehicles.