Leasing of machinery and equipment is the oldest financial service in the world, in the beginning they were not exactly “machines”, but rather various tools.
Leasing of machinery and equipment is also the most popular form of financing, when it is necessary to increase the number of used machines. Through “Machine Leasing” the new machines and equipment have the opportunity to “earn” their own price, and also to bring profits to the lesseeThe lessee is the user of... More. Companies that are registered under VAT are entitled to a full tax credit, and in the same time may reschedule their VAT payment for the duration of the lease. And last but not least: as financial leasingA leasing contract, under which, the... More suggests, at the end of the leasing period the machines become the property of the lesseeThe lessee is the user of... More.
The most suitable leasing partner for Machine Leasing is the daughter leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More of the Bulgarian Development Bank – BDB Leasing. As the name suggests, the main mission of BRR Leasing is to assist Bulgarian small and medium-sized companies in their development and expansion. Leasing of machinery and equipment is a priority for BDB Leasing and accordingly they provide the best conditions for businesses.