Undoubtedly, the leasing industry will suffer significantly from the economic recession caused by measures to combat the Coronavirus. The Wall Street Journal announced last Friday, May 22, 2020, that the world’s oldest car rental and leasing company and one of the largest in the United States, Hertz, has filed for bankruptcy. In March 2020, Hertz […]
Posts tagged car leasing
Early exit from a leasing contract
Each lease agreement prescribes a fixed term during which the lessee is entitled to use the leasing asset with the liability of paying /usually monthly/ certain leasing installments. At the same time, sometimes circumstances arise in which the lessee wishes to prematurely terminate his commitment – the payment of the lease payments. In short – […]
The Cost of Driving
Today, car leasing is a standard mass practice. Advance payments, monthly installments, residual value – these are all everyday terms. However, this has not always been the case. Today we are going to introduce to you the person who created the structure of the modern automobile leasing, to which we owe the concept of “residual […]
101 Years Ago Car Leasing Began
Car Leasing – when and how did it all begin? Exactly 101 years ago, in 1918, the young Walter Jacobs used leasing to the new transport innovation – the car. With this, he supported the fulfillment of the dreams of another two innovators, created a business empire and established the most widely used leasing […]
The Beginning of Car Leasing
Today, car leasing is the leading asset segment of the leasing market, accounting for over 50% of the total leasing portfolio in most countries (in Europe, the car segment occupies 53% in 2018). The history unites the dreams of three innovators: Henry Ford, who dreams of making the car accessible to everyone, John Hertz, who […]