Posts tagged leasing

Slump in the new leasing business in Q1 2020

Slump in the new leasing business in Q1 2020

The recovery of the Bulgarian leasing business from the World Financial Crisis 2008-2009, which started back in 2010, did not reach the levels of new business from 2008 (the highest on record for the country). Restrictions on economic activity and the movement of people imposed in Bulgaria in order to limit the spread of Covid-19 […]

Leasing Portfolio in Bulgaria 2019

Leasing portfolio in Bulgaria 2019

2019 is yet another year since 2015, in which we note an increase in the leasing portfolio in Bulgaria. In 2019, the increase is by BGN 255 million or 6.31% on an annual basis. The total lease receivables (leasing portfolio) permanently holding above BGN 4 billion and reaching BGN 4.293 billion. This level is still […]

The Insurance Industry in South-Eastern Europe

Leasing and Insurance: Insurance in SEE and part of CIS EN

Leasing and insurance are always closely linked. The object of any lease transaction is the leasing asset. The leasing asset, in turn, carries various risks related to its existence and proper functioning. The insurance industry is one that helps the leasing industry overcome or mitigate many of these risks. Accordingly, the leasing industry assists the […]

Automotive Innovation Sparks Battery Leasing

Proterra batery leasing bus 1

Over the last few years, we have witnessed a lot of innovation in the financial sector. New electronic platforms, new mobile apps, new chatbots, new business models and even new currencies are being created. As if the leasing industry was lagging behind – what could be innovated in the oldest financial service? Innovation in leasing, […]

Tesla Joins the Leasing Innovation Wave

Tesla Lease

2019 emerges as a historic year for leasing innovation. After the German retailer Lidl launched car leasing in its stores and the Swedish giant IKEA announced its intention to offer furniture on leasing, another big name (headed by a keen innovator) joined the leasing euphoria last week. On 11 April 2019, the US electric car […]

“Retail” Leasing

“Dear, I am going to the supermarket, to grab a car.” Last week, the above phrase may have sounded funny, but since Monday it is reality itself. The German retailer giant Lidl, together with the leasing company from Berlin Vehiculum, offer to lease the ladies’ favorite Fiat 500 … and that at only 89 Euro […]

Farewell SoGe Lease and Welcome OTP Leasing

Farewell SoGe Lease and Welcome OTP Leasing

February brought changes among the Bulgarian leasing companies. On 04.02.2019 in the Commercial Register officially SoGe Lease Bulgaria EOOD ceased to exist and was renamed to OTP Leasing EOOD. Societe Generale Equipment Finance is the leading leasing company in Europe, competing for the first place on the continent with another French leasing giant – BNP Paribas […]

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